241 Delgado Street, Santa Fe NM 87501 | materialityfineart.com | 505-629-3075
Featuring new work by Ernst Gruler and Blair Vaughn-Gruler
GVG studio visits are available at our Rufina Circle location by appointment.
Fascicle, which has been a part of our language since the 15th century, is one of a bundle of words derived from Latin fascis, meaning “bundle,” according to Merriam-Webster. It is also used to describe installments of a voluminous work, or a bundle of anatomical fibers.
In any case, this fascicle is a bundle of wood on canvas, representing a voluminous amount of glue and paint, and the work to join them together which could also be considered voluminous.
The end result is a static texture which catches the light in surprising ways that add the sense of movement to the bundle.
It goes well with Foliage too.
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